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  • Videos  Click on Title to View

    • Gulf & Denver Railroad in Photo-Video

      Take a photo tour of the CMRRC Gulf & Denver Railroad layout, filmed in 2019.


    • 2-10-0 Decapod on the G&D Railroad

    • Follow a 2-10-0 Decapod around the CMRRC layout, some of which is still under construction.

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    • My Channel - Past & Current Club Model Railroad Layout Videos 

    • My channel contains several YouTube videos I have taken over the last couple of years. Some are of various locomotives, other are filmed on the old LMRA RR Club layout and others are filmed on the new Cowtown Model Railroad layout..


    • End of a Era

    • This is a goodbye "sunset" video of the Gulf & Denver Railroad Authority HO scale model railroad in Fort Worth, Texas. The club had been forced out of our location and the layout was so unique in it's shape and design that it will not be able to be reassembled in the same shape as the club locates new space and transitions from the Lockheed Martin Recreation Association Model Railroad club to the Cowtown Model Railroad Club. Some of the layout will be salvaged and a new more efficient layout will rise from the ashes. However, about 90% of the scenery was destroyed and new scenery will have to be created.


    • LMRA RR Layout 2013

      Take a thirteen and a half minute video tour of the Gulf & Denver Railroad Authority HO-Scale Model Railroad layout created by the Lockheed-Martin Recreation Association Railroad Club in Fort Worth, Texas. This is a video record of the layout which will have to be moved or destroyed by the end of 2013 due to the sale of the property and building room which has been it's home for twenty-four years.. What a real shame!!!


    • Stop, Watch, Love

      In 2011 a Dallas based company called Element-X Creative was involved in an ad contest which if won would grant then a bunch of money and the opportunity to work on a project with movie director Ridey Scott on a project. Element-X created a video for the AICP called Stop. Watch. Love and used our old (LMRA RR Club) layout as the backdrop. While they claimed that they would give the layout some credit, it didn't appear in the final video. At any rate, here is the URL for that video online:


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